Congratulations Arjo for topping today's high score!
44,935 is woooooow!!! You sure know how to squish those bugs! :D
Before Arjo was king, one of Picnic Raiders' players, Ruth held the top spot in the high score wall for weeks. We asked her for tips on how to get to the 44 thousand and above level, and here are some tips that we got from her:
Tip #1 - Choose a Playing Style You're Most Comfortable With
Other people play the game using two thumbs, others with the pointer fingers, some holding the phone, some laying the phone flat on a surface, some use one hand, others two. Different playing styles. Ruth plays with her pointer fingers flat on a table. Why? Because Ruth has short fingers and playing using her thumbs would be counter productive. So look for a playing style the would work best for you. If playing with one eye closed is the best for you, go do it! Or if using your tongue makes you score higher, use your tongue - just don't hurt yourself :)
Tip #2 - Scan the Environment
Do not stare at bugs as they are squished! Yes, the animation of the bugs being squished are too cute (specially when matched with the sound effects) and not cruel in any way. But watching this would ruin your game, specially on higher levels where bugs come in much faster. Watch the animation on a game where you are not out to beat the high score. But when you are out to beat Arjo, concentrate on the incoming bugs to squish.
Tip #3 - Move the Food
There are levels where bugs come out only from the top, or the bottom, or the sides. Be mindful of these details, and move your food on the side where the bugs are not coming out from. This would make the food safer from the attacking bugs since it is farther away from them.
How about you? What do you do to get the Picnic Raiders High Score?
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