Having an iPhone is really cool, but having an eye-catching feminine friendly case that matches your outfit is even greater!
We searched for really cool iPhone cases that would match the top 5 looks we find really interesting. Here is what we got...
Bohemian Glam
This beautiful dress from Summer Dresses Fashion -dot- com would look great with the Wood Camera iPhone 4 and 4S designed by SigniCase from Hong Kong.
Casual Fun
This fun Victoria's Secret casual would jel well with the jelly colored Callet iPhone Case which also doubles as a card holder. Cool!
Sailor Stripe Dress
Simple and Smart is what shouts from this Zara dress. You can make the look even smarter with a Moleskin iPhone case.
Eclectic Chic
Nasty Gal's collection is very unique and eclectic. Goes well with Yellena James' iPhone Case design.
Maxi Dress
This maxi-pretty Hive & Honey Maxi Dress is definitely going to match the simplicity and beauty of this leather case.
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小さい花を満ちる、キュットなデザインだけど、派手すぎなく Cath Kidston iphoneケースはイギリス風満載!最も人気なのは、一つのブラックな背景、汚れやすくない!いつも大切なアイフォンの綺麗な様子を守るケースです。もう一つアナスイ iphoneケース激安価格で取り扱いしております。海外直輸!各ブランドのiPhone ケースがフルラインナップ!当ショップならではの種類最大級!人気ブランドとのコラボも特集コレクション!キャラクター・デザイン性が豊富でおすすめ!日本にいながら世界中の商品を現地価格で購入できる!